All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractTrellisApplication<T extends TrellisConfiguration> |
A base class for Dropwizard-based Trellis applications.
AcceptDatetime |
A class representing an HTTP Accept-Datetime header.
RDF Terms from the W3C ACL Vocabulary.
ActivityStreamMessage |
A structure used for serializing an Event into an ActivityStream 2.0 JSON object.
ActivityStreamMessage.EventResource |
The resource that is the object of this message.
AmqpEventService |
An AMQP message producer capable of publishing messages to an AMQP broker such as
RabbitMQ or Qpid.
AppUtils |
AS |
RDF Terms from the W3C Activity Streams Vocabulary.
AssetConfiguration |
Configuration for asset locations.
AuditService |
A service for producing audit-related Quad values for creation,
deletion and modification operation.
AuthConfiguration |
Configuration for authN/authZ.
Authenticator |
Authorization |
This class provides access to data defined in an WebAC Authorization graph.
AuthorizedModes |
BaseServiceBundler |
A ServiceBundler that supplies components for a Trellis application from its fields.
BasicAuthConfiguration |
Configuration for Basic AuthN.
BasicAuthFilter |
A basic authentication filter using an Authorization HTTP header.
BasicPrincipal |
Binary |
The non-RDF content of an LDP NonRDFSource.
BinaryMetadata |
The LDP specification divides resources into two categories: RDF resources and
non-RDF resources.
BinaryMetadata.Builder |
BinaryService |
The BinaryService provides methods for retrieving, modifying and checking
the validity of binary content.
CacheConfiguration |
Cache-related configuration.
CacheControlFilter |
CacheService<K,V> |
A generalized caching service for Trellis.
CacheService.TrellisProfileCache |
CDIConstraintServices |
A CDI-based implementation of the ConstraintServices interface, suitable
for any CDI or MicroProfile-based application.
ConstraintService |
The ConstraintService defines rules that constrain RDF triples
on a graph for a particular resource type.
ConstraintServices |
ConstraintViolation |
A class that represents a constraint violation in an RDF graph.
COPY HTTP method.
CORSConfiguration |
Configuration for CORS headers.
Credentials |
CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter |
DavAllProp |
A PROPFIND allprop class.
DavMultiStatus |
A PROPFIND response class.
DavProp |
A PROPFIND prop class.
DavPropertyUpdate |
A PROPPATCH update class.
DavPropFind |
A PROPFIND query class.
DavPropName |
A PROPFIND propname class.
DavPropStat |
A PROPFIND propstat class.
DavRemove |
A PROPPATCH update class.
DavResponse |
A PROPFIND response class.
DavSet |
A PROPPATCH update class.
DavUtils |
DBHealthCheck |
Check the health of the database connection.
DBNamespaceService |
A namespace service that stores data in a database.
DBResource |
A db-based implementation of the Trellis Resource API.
DBResourceService |
A Database-backed implementation of the Trellis ResourceService API.
DBWrappedMementoService |
DC |
RDF Terms from the Dublin Core Vocabulary.
DefaultAuditService |
An AuditService that generates Audit-related Quad s for
various write operations.
DefaultConstraintServices |
A default ConstraintServices implementation, using a backing Collection .
DefaultEventSerializationService |
DefaultEventSerializationService |
DefaultIdentifierService |
The IdentifierService provides a mechanism for creating new identifiers.
DefaultRdfaWriterService |
An RDFa (HTML) serialization service.
DefaultTimemapGenerator |
A default TimemapGenerator.
Depth |
A Depth header.
Depth.DEPTH |
Legitimate values for the Depth header.
Event |
This represents the data for a server event.
EventSerializationService |
A service interface for serializing an Event object into a
String suitable for an external notification processor.
EventService |
The EventService provides a mechanism by which events can be emitted
to a message broker.
FederatedJwtAuthenticator |
A Federated JWT-based authenticator.
FileBinary |
Implements Binary for files on a filesystem.
FileBinaryService |
A BinaryService implementation that stores LDP-NR resources as files on a local filesystem.
FileMementoService |
A file-based versioning system.
FileNamespaceService |
Create a namespace service based on reading/writing the namespaces to a central JSON file.
FileResource |
A file-based Trellis resource.
FileUtils |
File-based utilities.
RDF Terms from the FOAF Vocabulary.
Forwarded |
A class representing an HTTP Forwarded header.
HttpConstants |
A collection of constant values used by the Trellis HTTP layer.
HttpSession |
IdentifierService |
The IdentifierService provides a mechanism for creating new identifiers.
InMemoryBinaryService |
InMemoryResourceService |
IOService |
The IOService defines methods for reading, writing and updating RDF streams
to/from a concrete RDF 1.1 syntax.
JenaIOService |
An IOService implemented using Jena.
JmsEventService |
A JMS message producer capable of publishing messages to a JMS broker such as ActiveMQ.
JSON-LD vocabulary terms.
JsonLdConfiguration |
A configuration to control how custom JSON-LD profiles are handled.
JwksAuthenticator |
A jwks-based authenticator.
JwtAuthConfiguration |
Configuration for the JWT service.
JwtAuthenticator |
A JWT-based authenticator.
JwtAuthFilter |
A JWT-based authentication filter.
KafkaEventService |
A Kafka message producer capable of publishing messages to a Kafka cluster.
RDF Terms from the LDP Vocabulary.
LdpConstraintService |
A set of constraints applied to user-provided graphs.
LdpResource |
A name binding for Trellis LDP resources.
Memento |
RDF Terms from the Memento Vocabulary.
MementoService |
An interface for a Memento subsystem.
Metadata |
Metadata values used for resource composition.
Metadata.Builder |
A mutable builder for a Metadata object.
MOVE HTTP method.
NamespaceService |
Namespaces may be stored globally across the server, and the NamespaceService
provides a mechanism for retrieving and setting namespace values.
NoopAuditService |
For use when audit functionality is not desired.
NoopCacheService<K,V> |
A no-op (pass-through) cache service for Trellis.
NoopEventSerializationService |
For use when event serialization is not desired.
NoopEventService |
For use when an event service is not desired.
NoopImplementation |
Marks a no-op implementation of a Trellis component.
NoopMementoService |
A no-op MementoService implementation.
NoopNamespaceService |
NoopProfileCache |
A specialized no-op cache.
NoopResourceService |
A no-op resource service that can be used with CDI and proxy objects.
NotificationsConfiguration |
NotificationsConfiguration.Type |
NullAuthenticator |
A null authenticator.
OA |
RDF Terms from the OA Vocabulary.
OAuthFilter |
An OAuth authentication filter that processes JWT-based Bearer tokens
from an Authorization HTTP header.
OAuthPrincipal |
OAuthUtils |
Prefer |
A class representing an HTTP Prefer header.
RDF Terms from the W3C PROV Ontology.
Range |
A class representing an HTTP Range header.
RDF Terms from the W3C RDF Syntax Vocabulary.
RDFaWriterService |
A service for generating HTML output from a stream of triples.
RDFConnectionHealthCheck |
Check the health of the RDF connection.
RDFConnectionProvider |
RDFFactory |
A factory method for loading and providing the RDF Commons implementation object.
RdfMediaType |
RDFS Terms from the W3C RDF Schema Vocabulary.
ReactiveEventService |
A MicroProfile-based event service.
Resource |
The central resource abstraction for a Trellis-based linked data server.
Resource.SpecialResources |
ResourceService |
The ResourceService provides methods for creating, retrieving and manipulating Trellis resources.
RetrievalService<T> |
A service that can retrieve resources of some type, featuring optional
retrieval by time.
ServiceBundler |
The ServiceBundler interface collects all the services required for a full
Trellis application.
Session |
This interface represents a user's session when interacting with a Trellis resource.
SimpleEvent |
A simple Event implementation.
SimpleNamespaceService |
A simple, in-memory namespace service.
RDF Terms from the W3C SKOS Vocabulary.
Slug |
A class representing an HTTP Slug header.
StorageConflictException |
Exception marker for exceptions related to conflicts in the storage layer.
Syntax |
Additional RDF Syntax definitions.
TestUtils |
Common utility functions.
Time |
RDF Terms from the W3C OWL-Time Vocabulary.
TimemapGenerator |
A service to generate a stream of Triples from a list of mementos.
Trellis |
RDF Terms from the trellis vocabulary.
TrellisApplication |
A deployable Trellis application.
TrellisApplication |
Web Application wrapper.
TrellisCache<K,V> |
A simple Guava-based cache service.
TrellisConfiguration |
TrellisExtensions |
TrellisHttpFilter |
TrellisHttpResource |
An HTTP request matcher for path-based HTTP resource operations.
TrellisRequest |
A class representing an HTTP request with various LDP-related headers and query parameters.
TrellisRoles |
A collection of security roles for use with Trellis.
TrellisRuntimeException |
Exception marker for all Trellis unchecked exceptions.
TrellisServiceBundler |
A triplestore-based service bundler for Trellis.
TrellisServiceSupplier |
A managed bean that generates an RDF connection for the triplestore resource service.
TrellisUtils |
The TrellisUtils class provides a set of convenience methods related to generating and processing RDF objects.
TrellisWebDAV |
Implements WebDAV HTTP methods.
TrellisWebDAVRequestFilter |
TrellisWebDAVResponseFilter |
TriplestoreHealthCheck |
Check the health of the RDF connection.
TriplestoreResource |
A triplestore-based implementation of the Trellis Resource API.
TriplestoreResourceService |
A triplestore-based implementation of the Trellis ResourceService API.
RDF Terms from the W3C vCARD Vocabulary.
Version |
A class representing a version URI parameter.
WebacConfiguration |
WebAcFilter |
WebAcService |
A WebAc implementation, based on the rules defined by SOLID.
WebAcService.NoopAuthorizationCache |
WebAcService.TrellisAuthorizationCache |
A CacheService that can be used for authorization information.
WebApplication |
Web Application wrapper.
WebIdPrincipal |
A WebID-based principal.
WebIdSecurityContext |
A WebId-enabled SecurityContext implementation.
WebSubHeaderFilter |
RDF Terms from the XML Schema Datatype Vocabulary.